General Terms and Conditions
General Terms and Conditions

1. The ticket entitles the bearer (“the Ticketholder”) to one general admission to the event listed on the ticket (“the Event”) being run by the Hororata Community Trust (together with its officers, agents, and contractors “the Trust”).

2. Time of admission to the Event and start and end times for the Event are as stated on the ticket.

3. The advertised events, stalls, and attractions forming part of the Event are subject to change by the Trust at any time. The Trust reserves the right to postpone, cancel, or terminate the Event at any time.

4. The person purchasing the ticket must be 16 years of age or older. All ages are welcome, but any persons attending the Event aged under 1 6 y e a r s must be accompanied by an adult.

5. No alcohol, dangerous or illegal substances may be brought to the Event and the Ticketholder must behave in a lawful and appropriate manner at all times. The Trust reserves the right to refuse the Ticketholder admission or to require any Ticketholder to leave the Event and no refunds will be given in this event.

6. No refunds or exchanges for postponement, cancellation, or termination of the Event will be given except as required by law. If a refund is made the Trust may, to the extent permitted by law, retain or deduct any ticket service fee that has been charged. The Trust will not refund any Ticket where the Event is postponed to the new advertised date and the Ticketholder is unable to attend.

7. No refunds are available if the ticket is lost or stolen. The ticket is at the risk of the Ticketholder if it is being posted or delivered to the Ticketholder and the Ticketholder must allow sufficient time for collection or delivery of tickets.

8. Admission may be refused to holders of damaged or modified tickets.

9. The ticket is not transferable and tickets may not be resold or offered for resale or used in connection with any advertising or promotion or commercial purpose which is not approved by the Trust. Tickets used in breach of these terms and conditions may be cancelled and admission refused.

10. Ticketholders may bring lightweight handheld audio, video, or electronic recording devices to the Event, but such devices may only be used for the purpose for making recordings for reasonable private use. The right to record, publish, and broadcast the Event publicly (including broadcast and publication through the internet) is reserved to the Trust.

11. The Event is held on a public reserve and the use of Drones is restricted. Ticketholders may not bring unmanned aircraft or drones (“Drones”) to the Event or use Drones at the Event except with prior written permission from the Trust. Where the Trust has given permission for the use of a Drone at the Event, the operator must also hold a permit issued by the Selwyn District Council together with any other permits or authorisations required and comply with all legal requirements (including Civil Aviation Authority rules) in relation to Drones.

12. It may be a condition of admission to the Event that a search of the Ticketholder and/or their possessions is required and the Ticketholder may be required to produce identification on admission to the Event.

13. The ticket is also subject to the terms and conditions of any ticket service used to purchase the ticket, however in the event of any inconsistency between these terms and conditions and the other ticket service terms and conditions, these terms and conditions will prevail.

14. The Trust will not be liable to the Ticketholder for any failure to perform its obligations under these Ticketing Terms and Conditions or hold the Event to the extent caused by a Force Majeure event (being an event that is beyond the reasonable control of the Trust), provided that the Trust shall use its best endeavors to notify the Ticketholder of the Force Majeure event and use its best endeavors to overcome the Force Majeure event.

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